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Home: Welcome

We use traditional andinnovative marketing practices; design, fine Art, photography, and fashion as vehicles for the of information on the known components of Human Milk, and on the science of how breastfeeding works. Click onto our Science Page  to find out what's in human milk and what it does. 


Our multimedia & printed resources are being used for training and education for parents and healthcare professionals in 35 countries and 18 languages.

Welcome to Human Milk.

We are an award-winning social enterprise dedicated to making the science of human milk and breastfeeding common knowledge.







Our mission is to save the lives and improve the physical and mental health of mothers and children around the globe, and leave a cleaner planet to our children.


Our Education department works hand in hand with our Human Milk Clothing brand to offer products and multi-media education resources in 35+ countries, to parents, governmental departments, healthcare organisations, institutions and NGOs.



human milk oligosaccharide artwork by Kirstie Macleod
Social Enterprise UK certification badge
People and Planet First verified badge
Organisation for Responsible Business membership badge
Human Milk scarf

Our organisation was chosen by the Evening Standard and The Independent as a top UK sustainable and ethical company to discover.


Profits from our shop run our education mission. 

The better we do, the more good we do.

An Evening Standard banner citing Human Milk
P.E.A. Awards trophy awarded to Human Milk

We are proud winners of a

People, Environment, Achievement Award alongside

Sir David Attenborough and Triodos Bank.


"The PEA Awards is the UK’s leading sustainability and climate awards, honouring the individuals and teams behind the products, services and businesses that are changing

the face of our planet." 

Sir David Attenborough
human milk oligosaccharide artwork by Kirstie Macleod

Empowering mothers
and those who care for them

A Human Milk breastfeeding science billboard mockup

Human Milk was founded by parents,

for parents.


We harness our many decades of experience in fashion, film, design, photography, music, Art and business, to communicate the remarkable science of human milk and breastfeeding.


We want this incredible science to be readily available to all parents, healthcare providers and the general public who form the eco-system around new mothers.

Billboard mock-up. We're working on making it real!




The global infant and maternal mortality rate, malnutrition and ill health linked to infant feeding dramatically reduced.


Breastfeeding invested in and supported by family, friends, governments, healthcare services and businesses/work places at policy level and in practice.


Breastfeeding support services funded and available regardless of where mothers live, or their income.


Human donor milk accessible to every family who needs it as an alternative.


Infant feeding and parenting reducing its carbon footprint.


A global shift in our perception of women's bodies and mothering work.

Human milk oligosaccharide artwork by Kirstie Macleod

We think this is possible. But for that shift to happen, we have to address the common belief that breastfeeding is just a lifestyle choice that doesn't really matter. Nothing could be further from the truth. Let's all get up to speed with how incredible women's bodies are, and the value of the mothering work we do.


Breastfeeding supports every one of the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals. 


Read more about the global impact of breastfeeding on the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action website.

Human Milk composition of human milk moon

A quick note: We are not here to tell women what to do, only to help them make informed decisions, and succeed if they do want to breastfeed.


We respect every women's body and choice, unequivocally.


Are you breastfeeding or thinking about it?

Welcome to your village


Feast your eyes on the science of human milk. You don't need to eat or live in any special way to produce it. Your body is truly remarkable. We hope it inspires and empowers you.


If you're struggling, have a look at our 'Is This Normal?' page. You might find that all is as it's meant to be, and join us for in-person or online Community meet-ups. It's a great idea to join some online groups before your baby arrives and meet other mothers who will journey with you.


If you need dedicated, one to one help right away, our 'Find Support' page lists qualified support ready to help you today.


If you want to find stylish clothes and accessories that happen to be easy to breastfeed in and you can carry on wearing long beyond, have a look at our shop. Proceeds help us to help you and millions of mothers around the world.

"I’m always in awe when I see these scientific facts about mother’s milk which then inspires me to keep going despite all the hard work and dedication." Pai


“Knowing the science, I feel inspired, encouraged and resolutely stubborn in my difficult bf journeys.” Nicola


“Knowing the science made me more determined to breastfeed.” Cheryl

"Honestly, breastfeeding felt like the greatest thing I had ever done. Knowing the science gave me a sense of surety of purpose whilst people told me I should stop." Amy


"Knowing the science makes me feel in awe. I breast-fed each one of my four children for a little over two years. It makes me feel empowered that I was able to give each one of my children what they needed for so long." Yadira

"It just amazes me so much, just how smart and complex our bodies are. It is fascinating and should really be shouted about and promoted more." Abbie



“I love your work. Reading your Facebook posts during my 3:00 milk expressing is what keeps me going on my not as expected breastfeeding journey.” Mariana



Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers around the world use our resources to train staff and support the parents they work with. These are free of charge to ensure equitable access.


When a mother approaches a healthcare professional for help with breastfeeding, it's critical to know why it matters, how to help her, or where to refer her. 


We're here to help you to do that.

"We use the Human Milk advert in our Health Visitor and Children’s Centre staff training and they love it! It also has an appeal to dads by including them and giving the science behind BF, which they like.

When used in peer support training, they really like the fact that it presents the values of breast milk itself rather than the act of breastfeeding. They also like the term human milk and feel
this breaks down some barriers especially with younger people around the word breast! I know we find this hard to believe but actually it’s valid with younger people"

Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust




We use the Human Milk video in all of our staff, manager and volunteer training. It’s great to have such a professional resource rooted in science
to share in our training. Every time we show the advert or use the quotes it immediately highlights some of the huge benefits of breastfeeding and encourages even those who were sceptical to know more."

T. Grant, Public Health, North Somerset Council UK









Click on the posters below to view them in full page.

Fats infographic.jpg
Oxytocin wellbeing.jpg
Enzymes-carbs infographic.jpg
Human Milk impact graphic

Who is using our resources?

Since our 'Human Milk, Tailor-Made for Tiny Humans' advert was launched in 2017, it has been viewed over 8.5 million times online & thousands offline, and it has been our honour to receive hundreds of requests from all corners of the globe to use our materials for education.


Visit our 'Education Resources' page to access all our materials free of charge.

Where Human Milk's education resources are used
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© 2024 Human Milk

 Born in Bristol, UK

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Human Milk Clothing Ltd is a registered UK company, number 14325027                                                   

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